Wednesday, October 3, 2012

SGS I900 with MIUI Android: 4.1.1 / MIUI: 2.9.29 battery drain solved!

I've recently updated my SGS to Android 4.1.1 thanks to MIUI. In previous releases I had problems with any kind of thetering (USB/WiFi/Bluetooth). In newest version everything runs out of the box (for now I only noticed I just can't turn on phone with power adapter plugged in). The problem which I encountered imidiatelly was battery file. Fully charged in 100%, kept for about 4 hours or something close to one-third of what it supposed to... The solution was simple as go to: Settings (Tab 'All') -> Programmer Options -> 'Drawing' section options "Turn off HW overlay" turned to true, and "Render on GPU" should be also set true. Now the CPU is not connected with graphic calculation of launcher / desktop. And keep really low while on idle. Hope that helps someone! PS: MIUI which I use You can find here: MIUI Galaxy S.